Executive Board
The Executive Board (EB) is the overall scientific management and exploitation body of this project and reports to the Project Coordinator, who also chairs the EB. The main tasks are to define the project strategy, monitor progress, and advise and decide on major project revisions, exchanges of tasks and budgets, intellectual property, dissemination strategies, communication, interaction with other activities and political issues. The EB will meet at least four times a year, more often if necessary. The EB has the power to make short-term decisions on a daily basis and to execute long-term more strategic decisions, but the full meeting of the General Assembly remains the ultimate decision body.
Executive Board
Anne-Belinda Bjerre, Danish Technological Institute
Ólavur Gregersen, Ocean Rainforest
Urd G. Bak, Ocean Rainforest
Lene Lange, Technical University of Denmark
Paulien Harmsen, Strichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek
Guðmundur Hreggviðsson, Matis
Jaap van Hal, Stichting Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland
Dimitar Borisov Karakashev, Danish Technological Institute