The final MACRO CASCADE conference, 24th of March
Event Details
March 24, 2021
@ 10:00 AM
March 24, 2021
@ 3:00 PM
Online: MS TEAMS
Dear Seaweed Enthusiast or key stakeholder,
We cordially invite you to the final conference of the BBI funded project MacroCascade.
MacroCascade has proven the concept of a cascading seaweed biorefinery: developing a production platform that covers the whole technological chain for processing sustainable cultivated macroalgal biomass into highly processed value-added products!
Outstanding results will be presented by industry and research partners from most of Europe including clinical trials, microbial and enzymatic refining, cascading extraction, selective breeding, and techno-economic analyses!
The conference will be a one-day-online event taken place on March 24th from 10:00 to 15:00 CET (GMT+1).
Please register here in advance for this virtual conference. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event.
We are looking forward to your participation, on behalf of the MacroCascade Consortium
Anne-Belinda Bjerre (Danish Technological Institute, project coordinator), Xiaoru Hou (Danish Technological Institute), Jaap van Hal (TNO), Urd Grandorf Bak (Ocean Rainforest) & Olavur Gregersen (CEO Ocean Rainforest).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) under grant agreement No 720755.